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Do you want to avoid that the injection molding machine you bought

Will it be more expensive than you imagined when you bought it?

Then refrain from buying a machine on the internet without. To have checked this in function!

Common damages on these machines are:

  • Defective electronic components, worm plasticizing units, Problematic proportional valves.

You can avoid all this if you have a partially or completely overhauled machine.

Buy a machine that you can still test under power from the seller.

We at TRANSITUS have been selling for more than 40 years.

Refurbished machines, which you can test in our workshop in all functions. In addition, we offer you the commissioning of the corresponding machine in your factory.

Please remember: The cheap can often become expensive!


Krauss-Maffei 3200-17200 MX
El equipo técnico de UK Transitus S.L. comienza la...

Re-Acondicionamos Máquinas

La secuencia de nuestro trabajo a la hora de reacondicionar una máquina consiste en 5 puntos importantes.

Ver Información


Limpieza general de toda la inyectora y sustitución de piezas rotas.


Comprobación, reparación y ajuste del sistema eléctrico.


Comprobación del sistema hidráulico.


Comprobación funcional mecánica.


Envío Seguro.